
Budgeting, Planning and Management Reporting

Course Description

Budgeting lies at the heart of business management, yet businesses often encounter planning and financial difficulties as a result of either inadequate planning, lack of understanding of the business, or errors within the compilation of the budgets. Ineffective management reports heighten the challenge in collating inputs to the budget, and use of budgeted information.

What you'll learn in this course?

  • Implement advanced planning and control techniques into your budgeting process

  • Integrate the budgeting process with the development of the company’s long-term strategic vision

  • Successfully build an integrated planning, budgeting and reporting process,

  • Apply management tools to the budgeting process that contribute to strategic goals

Our Commitments

-Transportation service from / to airport.
-Fully detailed Training Material
-Meeting room with Daily coffee break and Snacks
-Evaluations before and after the training program to ensure the trainee’s satisfaction.
-Course certificate
-Workshop of the training program to get the maximum benefits of the course
-Provide all the required facilities to the participants in our laps

Date : 2024-09-09
Course includes:
  • Language Language English
  • img Certifications Yes
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